Hygiene & Security
The Silos de Leixões has implemented an Internal Security Plan, approved by the National Civil Protection Authority, which includes a Plan of Prevention and an Internal Emergency Plan.
Among the large accidents that normally occur in grain silos, the dust explosions, sometimes preceded or followed by fire, which may have devastating consequences are known.
It was in this context of risk that the Emergency Plan was prepared, which defines a framework and a methodology of action, internal and external agents, in response to an accident of considerable dimensions, minimizing its consequences.
However, it is the prevention of accidents that we should give priority, through behaviours and correct procedures and the implementation of appropriate equipment. The continuous cleaning and removal of the dust of the facilities, the attentive maintenance of the equipment, the smoking ban and training, are some examples of good practices that should be adopted in the prevention of accidents.
Throughout its history, 19 simulations of accident in the Silos de Leixões were already performed in the most varied scenarios, in order to test the Emergency Plan. In these simulations attended employees of the silos, silo users (drivers), various Fire Brigades and Civil Protection.
In terms of food safety, the Silos de Leixões is HACCP certified, since 2009, by the Codex Alimentarius reference. The application of this standard promotes the systematization and recording of good practices in the handling and storage of agri-food bulk, as well as the good operating conditions of the facilities.
In addition to the compliance with legal requirements in terms of occupational medicine, the Silos de Leixões has a medical station, relying on the regular presence of a general practitioner and a nurse, providing the follow-up to the company’s employees.