Port silos for bulk agri-foodstuffs


National and international traders.
Feed and food industry value chain.


Agri-food specialists, grain, flour and pellets.
Over 35 years of experience.


Accessible to Panamax vessels (up to 215 metres lenght, 32.3 m width and 12 m draught).
Online operations management.

Silos de Leixões

Who we are

The Silos de Leixões (SdL) focus on the agri-food logistics, and its infrastructure is integrated within the perimeter of the Port of Leixões. The SdL’s main services include the bulk agri-food transport and storage, serving national and international traders and also the food and feed industries.


Reception, handling, storage, shipment and transportation of bulk agri-food.

Health and Safety

Certified by HACCP Codex Alimentarius

Operation Data

Handling of 800.000 tons/year
  • Galeria Silos de Leixões
    Silos de Leixões
  • Galeria Armazém
  • Galeria Ferrovia
  • Galeria Doca
    Shipyard 2
  • Galeria Doca

Corporate Presentation

Silos de Leixões

The Silos de Leixões (SdL) focus on the agri-food logistics, and its infrastructure is integrated within the perimeter of the Port of Leixões..

The SdL’s main services include the reception, handling, storage, shipment and transportation of bulk agri-food, serving national and international traders and the food and feed industries.

Vision and Mission

The Silos de Leixões aims to be the reference company in its sector of activity, translated by the excellence of the service provided and in the creation of value to their customers. Assumes as strategic the business sustainability and the protection of the legitimate interests of the shareholders, acting responsibly at the social and environmental level, respecting high standards of quality and food safety.

Price List

Price list and Conditions of Service Provision

Social Entities

Management team and organization chart

The Numbers

Silos de Leixões


Years of experience
Tons of Storage
Tons/Hour - Reception Capacity

Our History

Silos de Leixões

The beginning
Silos de Leixões

The beginning The construction of silos de Leixões is started in the port land governed by private law of the Administration of the Douro and Leixões Ports (APDL), about 600 metres from the dock no.4 of the Port of Leixões, which was at the time in the finishing phase. 1978

The inauguration
EPAC Silos de Leixões

The inauguration The silos of Leixões were inaugurated in October and have integrated the sillar network EPAC-Public Company for Grains Supply, body which had the function to manage, under the corporate approach, all the previous public structure of coordinating bodies of economic sectors of national production and cereal industries. In…
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The expansion
Silos de Leixões

The expansion Inaugurated the 2nd phase of the silos de Leixões, with an expansion of the silo to a capacity of 105,000 tons of storage. 1980

The creation of Silopor

The creation of Silopor In July, in conjunction with the silos of Beato and Trafaria (located in the port of Lisbon), the silos de Leixões were integrated in Silopor – Port Silos Company, a public limited company of public capital, created to embody the highlight of the port silos of…
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The construction of horizontal warehouse
Galeria Armazém

The construction of horizontal warehouse With the emergence of so-called “non-grains”, farin products and pellets, with a very difficult dynamics inside the vertical silos, was inaugurated a horizontal warehouse automatic filling by superior route, destined preferentially to those products. This equipment has a capacity of approximately 15,000 tons of storage.…
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The start of the contest
Galerias Silos de Leixões

The start of the contest The tendering process for the award of the concession for the operation of the silos de Leixões started on 17 July , motivated by the beginning of the winding-up proceeding of Silopor. 2004

The Birth of Silos de Leixões
Galeria Silos de Leixões

The Birth of Silos de Leixões On January 6th the transmission of the concession for a period of 25 years has been completed, the activity of the port of solid bulk agri-food storage in the port of Leixões for the Silos de Leixões (SdL), a company formed by the Group…
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The HACCP Certification
Certificado SGS Silos de Leixões

The HACCP Certification The Silos de Leixões was certified according to the HACCP Codex Alimentarius reference in July 2009, and obtained certification as storekeepers through the Code of Good Dietary Practice in the EU (Regulation EC 882/2004 of the European Parliament and Council). 2009

The Sigsil System
Silos de Leixões

The Sigsil System The Sigsil (Global Information System of Silos de Leixões) was implemented, after tests, during the year of 2010, allowing a significant improvement in efficiency of the operation and response times on the loading of vehicles. 2010

The Launch of the Customer Portal
Portal Silos de Leixões

The Launch of the Customer Portal Taking advantage of the full potential of Sigsil, the Customer Portal has been triggered, which allows clients to interact and monitor their products, with access through the site of Silo de Leixões. 2011

The automation of Tecnocon silo
silo Tecnocon

The automation of Tecnocon silo The first phase of the drive control system implementation starts in the silo through the introduction of automats, replacing gradually the use of synoptic tables of command. 2012

The new dialog boxes
Silos de Leixões

The new dialog boxes In the continuity of the system’s modernizations and as an essential factor in the speed of the operation, new user friendly dialog boxes were implemented, by transport’s drivers undertakings which use the silos. 2013

The work of structural reinforcement
Silos de Leixões

The work of structural reinforcement In March the work of structural reinforcement of the storage silo began, considered essential to the longevity of the structure, which will have a duration of more than 2 years. 2014

The Unified Control Room
Sala de Comando Silos de Leixões

The Unified Control Room In October the new Unified Control Room was inaugurated. The new Room allow full control of all facilities (bins and flat storage) from one single point. 2016

The new office building
Renovação Edificio Silos de Leixões

The new office building On October 17th the new offices were inaugurated with the presence of the main Stakeholders who had the opportunity to disclose the new space. 2016

Member of:
A company of the Group:
Silos de Leixões